Friday, December 29, 2006


Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish. It is very popular in China, especially in Northeastern China. When I was young, I liked it very much. After I came here, I met a Korean friend named Moonjo. She gave me a chance to learn how to make kimchi. I learned it and wrote a recipe of it.


• A Chinese cabbage
• 1/4 cup Fish sauce (Kroger)
• 1/3-2/3 cup red pepper powder (Korean red pepper is the best, sold in CAM)
• 5 or 6 cloves of Garlic
• Ginger (1/3 garlic’s quantity)
• Half onion
• Half apple
• 1cup of salt

1. Cut the cabbage into 4 quarters. Salt the cabbage throughly. Stand for 2 hours.
2. Grate the ginger, garlic, onion and apple.
3. Mix the ginger, garlic, onion, apple, red pepper powder and fish sauce. The mixture is called kimchi sauce.
4. Wash the salted cabbage, and get rid of the water. Spread the kimchi sauce on the cabbage evenly. Put it into a container.
5. Stand half day at room temperature in summer or two days in winter or until it ferments slightly. It is ready to serve.
6. Move it into refrigerator. It can be kept for a long time.

Smoked neck soup

Smoked neck soup

This soup is a simple and delicious soup, it needs slow cooking though. It takes more than two hours. You should prepare a deep pot, then put smoked neck, kelp, some pieces of jigger, 4 cloves garlic and enough cool water into it. Stew it for about two hours, then add sweet corn. Continue stewing it for 20 mins. It is served with black pepper or white pepper.